Possible?--Along With More Disasters.

04/01/2009 13:42

    White, even though he could see no sign of human inhabitance would not give up hope now.  He was so close!  He searched for smoke that might indicate someone being there.  He instructed if the boats were seen, that they light fire to make smoke so they could be located.  No smoke.

    Suddenly, the smoke of a fire crept out of the canopy.  White was so excited and wanted to go search right then and there.  However, it was too late at night.  He went to sleep that night very ecstatic about what he might find the next day.

    White was lowered down into the water on a row boat so he could be brought to shore.  In the distance, the fire was no longer burning but he kept the location locked in his mind.  While heading towards the ilsand, a second puff of smoke was over in the other direction.  It was closer than the first one so he headed there first, eager to explore.  He wondered if the colonists had split up into more than one group.

    Once he finally reached the location of the smoke, he was highly disappointed and upset to find it just a bunch of trees on fire --possibly from lightning from a storm that occured recently.  Was the other column of smoke the same thing?

    The next dayWhite wanted to head out again but couldn't as Spicer had some of his sailors out on the island collecting fresh water.  He didn't want to send White out until they returned.  Finally, the sailors came back and helped White get into the water once more.  It was however, late and the tide was a lot more dangerous.  They made it, although everything was wet.  They were just waiting for Spicer and the rest of his crew to join them.  They could see the ship heading into the channel, although all the men watching understood that Spicer had forgotton something of utmost importnace.  Lowering the mast Now there couldn't be any way they would make it...the boat was rocking back and forth dangerously far--back a forth, back and forth.  Suddenly a huge wave crashed onto the side of the ship and it flipped over.  All the men could be seen struggling and almost none of them could swim.  Spicer was holding onto the mast, and as it hit the water, he drowned along with most of the other men.  Only four survived


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