Mystery Revealed??

Will White Learn the Truth About the Colonists?

04/01/2009 11:01
    White was aboard the Hopewell  which had just left Plymouth Harbor.  He must have been overwhelmned.  There was definitely the chance that all of the colonists were dead and he was no closer to rescuing them than he was three years ago.  All he was...

Possible?--Along With More Disasters.

04/01/2009 13:42
    White, even though he could see no sign of human inhabitance would not give up hope now.  He was so close!  He searched for smoke that might indicate someone being there.  He instructed if the boats were seen, that they light a fire to make smoke so they...

Still Searching

04/01/2009 14:19
    All of the sailors agreed they did not want to continue searching because of what happened to Spicer and the other men.  They were terrified.  White urged them to keep going--he just had to find the colonists!  It took a lot of talking and persuading but he...

Raleigh in Prison

04/01/2009 16:07
    The year that White returned to England was the year of 1590.  When he came back he of course met up Raleigh.  He must have told him everything that happened which must have brought happiness along with more curiosity about what really...

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