Raleigh in Prison

04/01/2009 16:07

    The year that White returned to England was the year of 1590.  When he came back he of course met up Raleigh.  He must have told him everything that happened which must have brought happiness along with more curiosity about what really happened. 

    Raleigh was still having trouble in court with a new rumor that had spread.  Raleigh had married one of the queen's maids of honor.  Was this true.  Yes, it seemed to be the first rumor that was true!  Her name was Elizabeth Throckmorton.  They were thought to have been married for years already.  That was true also.  The queen was enraged and treated him harshly all of a sudden.  She then had them both put in a high tower which was like prison.  People came to try and see Raleigh in this state. 

    Later in October, they were let free but could not return to court for five more years.  It was also said in 1594 that Raleigh tried to find them once again and rescue them.  This was reported by Darby Glande.  Yep, that's right.  He heard it from English sailors who stopped at Cuba. 

    Other people would not believe the evidence.  They said all of the colonists were dead as they had been missing for seven years now. 


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