Who Was the "Protector" of Fernandez?

Who Was It?

02/01/2009 17:02
What? Why? Who? What exactly were they getting out of marooning the colonists on Roanoke? Why would they do it? Who exactly was the person that was "protecting" Fernandez?  He must have been powerful enough to... 1- Plan the whole scheme. 2- Make sure the colonists had nothing to live off of...

Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

02/01/2009 18:02
  Suspect 1   Robert Dudley  Why or Why Not Did They Do IT?   -POSSIBLY BECAUSE... -Was the Queens oldest favorite and most trusted advisor. -Easygoing with friends, although quite brutal with enemies -Was reckless and...

Sir Christopher Hatton

02/01/2009 22:04
Suspect 1 Sir Christopher Hatton Why or Why Not Did They Do It? POSSIBLY BECAUSE...  -Sir Christopher was another one of the queens favorites -He probably was more devoted, or liked her more than she liked him -He never married because of how he liked the queen -She only noticed him in...

William Cecil, Lord Burghley

03/01/2009 10:41
Suspect 3 William Cecil, Lord Burghley  Why or Why Not Did They Do It? POSSIBLY BECAUSE... -William was the queen's oldest advisor -Lawyer, treasurer -Most people thought him to be very smart, brilliant, or a better word--genius. -Could have done it because of his mastermind ability -Allowed...

Sir Francis Walsingham

03/01/2009 11:01
Suspect 4 Sir Fracis Walsingham Why or Why Not Did They Do It? -Was the queen's secretary of state -Burghley and Walsingham together were at the head of the government and they both had great amounts of power.  However Walsingham had even more than Gurghley. -Compared to the other suspect's...

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